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From Sceptic to Believer. From Survivor To Thriver.


I’ve Worked With A Lot Of Sceptics When It Comes To Energy Medicine​

I get you!  I’ve been where you are.

You might think Energy Medicine sounds all a bit too woo woo.  And I don’t blame you. I know I did.  It was my love of animals, and I believe fate, that changed my beliefs and my life.  Foster-parenting a cancer-ridden dog named Ella showed me my calling and true purpose in life (read my story below)

Hi, I’m Ann.

Ella was my WHY.  She ignited in me a fire that took me on the most incredible journey.  After many years of study in a number of holistic health & wellness therapy and life coaching modalities, working with hundreds of clients, I’ve intuitively developed what some have called my  “secret weapon of success”. 

I now specialise in helping people to upgrade their quality of life by working with them to release blocks, as well as physical and emotional pain that are holding them back, using energy medicine. 

People often come to me after they’ve tried everything else to rid themselves of pain.

My clients, who come to me from all over the world, experience exceptional results in many areas of their personal and professional lives.  You too can achieve abundant health, wealth, success, and happiness. Read some of their Success Stories.

Being free of pain is the first step. Pain free, you can finally create the life you desire and deserve. Let me show you how.


Global woman top 100 mentor

Professional Experience

Success can mean different things to different people, but I’m sure you’ll agree, one needs to keep learning, growing, be stimulated, to keep moving forward to feel truly alive. We never stop learning.

I energetically work with the cellular structure, neural pathways, organs and nervous system to get you to optimum health.

— Ann Noler Harris

Life Experience

My Own Journey of Self Discovery

I come from a corporate background, now own a successful business, look after a home, am a wife and mother, so I understand the pressure and challenges you may be experiencing.

My life completely changed when I discovered I had the ability to help women heal, from anywhere in the world, and it was all thanks to a very sick, retired Seeing Eye Dog called Ella, who had cancer.

A few years after my family emigrated to Australia, I really wanted a dog.  Fostering a service dog, who had given so much to many, and now really needed some love and care, seemed like a good place to start.  Ella was meant to be with us for three weeks, initially.  She had cancer and had been retired because she could no longer work. She had just had an operation to remove her toe, but we were told the cancer had spread throughout her body. The vet’s prognosis was not hopeful.  We were told she was unlikely to last much longer.  There was not much else he could do but keep her as comfortable as possible.

When Ella came to us she was 6 years old, that’s just 42 in human years.  She looked awful, much older than her years. There was no spark in her eyes and seemed to have lost her passion for life. As she walked up the driveway towards me, I felt my heart melt. I felt a profound shift in my body, and a knowing that I wasn’t going to let her die.  So, we applied to keep her.

I was a total sceptic of energy and alternative healing but being told that Ella couldn’t be saved by western medicine, I felt that we had nothing to lose.  I was ready to try and do anything for Ella. And so, our healing journey together began.

I started to study alternative medicine and go to spiritual workshops. I had no idea what I was doing. This was all so unfamiliar to me; the complete opposite of what I had done before and what I believed in. But Ella was my study partner, we did it all together, had this incredible connection, and we had so much fun.

I started to practice the healing techniques I was learning on Ella, and as a result, she started to get that spark back in her eyes. I couldn’t believe it. Ella would come to me when she wanted a healing, so I knew something must be working. But it didn’t end there.

After my husband had a bad accident and we returned home from hospital, I asked him if I could practice my healing on him and, to my joy, he said, “if you want.”

As a non-believer I knew he would be a tough subject and a fair, but harsh critic. It was exactly what I needed. After the healing session he told me he could see colours, lights, tingling and feel heat moving through his body. It worked!  Excitedly, I started to practice on anyone who would let me. I discovered my special gifts and I love that I can help women all over the world to transform all areas of their life.

My beautiful Ella incredibly was with us for 5 ½ more wonderful years. She filled our lives with so much love, joy and laughter. She was my patient, and most of all my teacher.  She was the angel that guided me to my true purpose in life.  I will be forever grateful to her.  I love and miss her.  


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Me with my husband and our kids in London.

hello there

I’m the proud mum of two amazing adult children, and two gorgeous fur babies. I’m originally from London. I emigrated to Australia in 2007, where I found my Shangri-la on the Sunshine Coast.  I’m truly living my dream and hope to help you live yours.

Watch my short video to learn more about me

endiometritis pain gone!

Case Study

Louise, a high achieving professional suffering from chronic endometritis, came to me for help as a last resort. She had been to the doctors, had tests done, been on medication and nothing was relieving her symptoms.  Of course, medication only treats symptoms, not the root cause of the problem. I was horrified to hear that her doctors were suggesting she may want to consider having a hysterectomy.

The pain was affecting her normally high performance levels and impacting her work, which she tried to downplay and hide, even from herself.

Courageously, she kept pushing through the pain, going to work when really all she wanted to do was curl up in bed.  The pain was bad.

She was desperate to keep up appearances of a life where everything looked to be perfect to the outside world.   But on the inside, her life was anything but magical.  Behind the façade was an unhappy, exhausted woman whose life was slowly and painfully crumbling around her.

Louise and I had an instant rapport.  I was happy that she felt comfortable and instantly sensed she could trust me, even though she had never before entrusted anyone else with her health other than traditional medicine doctors.

That she lived thousands of miles away was not a hindrance. She would lie in the comfort of her own bed, while I remotely worked with her during our morning sessions before she went to work.

Soon, the pain started to decrease, then completely disappear. She felt free, and her life started moving forward again in an unprecedented way.  Not only was she free of pain and felt almost reborn because of it, her life started to improve in all areas, including finding a new job she loved, and experiencing positive changes in her relationship. Having cleared the pain, she’s again excited about life and no longer needs to pretend her life is great, because it is.

Louise, USA

Your life can be truly authentic, without the drama. You can upgrade your life to become the person you know you have come here to be, with complete ease and grace.

— Ann Noler Harris

Stop Living With Pain And Live Your Purpose